In-Person & Online Therapy in San Diego
Start Living
with Purpose and Joy
Licensed Counseling for Individuals, Couples, & Families
Things have been difficult lately.
Loneliness and fear seem to hang over you constantly.
Some days you’re unsure you have the strength to make it through.
It all feels so hopeless and impossible.
Trying to figure out the problem yourself has been no use.
Reading the self-help books hasn’t worked.
Talking to your friends and family has left you empty.
You still feel sad, lonely, and anxious no matter what you try.
Your relationship was once a source of comfort and strength.
Doing everything together, connecting on a deep unspoken level, you had never felt so close with anyone.
But you have begun to drift apart. The constant arguments are unbearable, and the silence is even worse.
You are losing your best friend and are scared to death about it.
All you ever dreamed about was being a parent.
But somewhere along the way, your dream has turned into a nightmare.
The sweet happy baby that once adored you has transformed overnight into a moody, rage-filled teen.
You desperately want your child back, but nothing you do seems to make any difference.
You decide the fault must lie with you.
“If only I was stronger,” you think to yourself, I wouldn’t be going through this.
Everyone else seems to be happy and thriving in life.
So, you conclude with shame that something inherently wrong and can’t be fixed.
You don’t know where to turn.
Welcome to Beauty for Ashes Transformation Center.
Hi, I’m Elise Rodriguez, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the CEO of Beauty for Ashes. I have a passion for helping others heal and live an abundant life. I am the mother of four, the wife of one, and the owner of two dogs. I have experienced enough of life’s highs and lows to understand your pain. Because of my painful experiences, I am driven to help others heal just like me.
My motto is, “If I can heal, so can you.”
At Beauty for Ashes, we provide the safety and nurturing you and your loved ones need to achieve lasting growth. We will walk with you on your journey, giving you the tools you need to live a victorious life.
You don’t have to suffer anymore.
Hang in there. Now is not the time to quit. We got you.
Dream again, hope again, live again.
This is the journey.
The journey toward laughter, joy, peace, hope,
and renewed intimacy.
One phone call will change your life forever.
It can happen. It will happen. Call us today.
What We Offer
Things can and will get better.
Stop resigning yourself to a life of depression and anxiety.
It’s time to reclaim your life for your children, your partner, and yourself.
There is hope. There are answers. Call now, and start your journey toward abundant living.
“Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.